
Thursday April 11th, 2024

Chairs: Jane Winantea / Stefano Gasparini

8.30 am Welcoming Reception
9.15 am Introduction/Welcoming
Prof. Dr. Kaid Darwiche,
PD Dr. Filiz Oezkan,
Dr. Jane Winantea,
Essen, Germany
9.25 am Lung Cancer Staging - What’s New?
PD Dr. Wilfried E. E. Eberhardt, Essen, Germany
9.55 am Breakfast
10.30 am EBUS for Mediastinal and Hilar Lymph Node Staging
Prof. Dr. Semra Bilaceroglu, Izmir, Turkey
10.50 am EUS-B Complementing Lung Cancer Staging
PD Dr. Stephan Eisenmann, Halle, Germany
11.10 am EBUS Diagnostics for Peripheral Lesions
Dr. Jane Winantea, Essen, Germany
11.30 am The Role of ROSE in Lung Cancer Diagnostics
Prof. Dr. Stefano Gasparini, Milan, Italy
11.50 am EBUS-Expert Tips and Tricks
Prof. Dr. Kaid Darwiche
12.10 pm Lunch
Station 1: Linear EBUS for mediastinal/hilar lymph nodes (pig lung model)
PD Dr. Stephan Eisenmann/ Dr. Marc Struß
Station 2: Radial EBUS lung phantom for peripheral lesions
Prof. Dr. Stefano Gasparini/Faustina Funke
Station 3: Linear EBUS lung phantom for mediastinal/hilar lymph nodes
Prof. Dr. Semra Bilaceroglu/ PD Dr. Filiz Oezkan
Station 4 & 5: Cryo-EBUS of mediastinal/hilar lymph nodes
Prof. Dr. Kaid Darwiche/Dr. Jane Winantea
Station 6: Lymph node mapping in the CT-scan
PD Dr. Marcel Opitz/ Dr. Halil Tazeoglu
6 - 9 pm Dinner with all participants and faculty

Friday April 12th, 2024

Chairs: Semra Bilaceroglu/Filiz Oezkan

9.00 am Live-Demonstration (EBUS)
9.30 am Breakfast
10.00 am Introduction
Prof. Kaid Darwiche,
PD Dr. Filiz Oezkan,
Essen, Germany
10.05 am The Role of Mediastinoscopy and VATS in the Era of Endoscopic Ultrasound
Prof. Dr. Servet Bölükbas, Essen, Germany
10.25 am Molecular Diagnostics in EBUS samples
PD Dr. Filiz Oezkan, Essen, Germany
10.45 am Lung Cancer Treatment Requiring Molecular Diagnostics
PD Dr. Martin Metzenmacher, Essen Germany
11.10 am Break with Snacks and Drinks
11.40 am -
1.50 pm
Station 1: Linear EBUS for mediastinal/hilar lymph nodes (pig lung model)
PD Dr. Stephan Eisenmann/ Dr. Marc Struß
Station 2: Radial EBUS lung phantom for peripheral lesions
Prof. Dr. Stefano Gasparini/Faustina Funke
Station 3: Linear EBUS lung phantom for mediastinal/hilar lymph nodes
Prof. Dr. Semra Bilaceroglu/ PD Dr. Filiz Oezkan
Station 4 & 5: Cryo-EBUS of mediastinal/hilar lymph nodes
Prof. Dr. Kaid Darwiche/Dr. Jane Winantea
Station 6: Rapid On-Site Evaluation (ROSE)
Prof. Dr. Dirk Theegarten/ Dipl. chem. Birte Schwarz